General FAQs

We guarantee your order will arrive within 3 weeks of placing your order but orders typically take less than 9 days to arrive, as each shirt is printed in-house.

Contact our team as soon as possible and we will do our best to change your order. Email us at or use the customer service page.

You can email us at or use the customer service page for assistance.

Returns and Exchanges

Returns are accepted within 30 days of purchase for unworn, unwashed items with all tags attached.

Returns are processed approximately 10-14 days after we receive your item.

Exchanges follow the same policy as returns and are processed as store credit.


Not at this time, but it's in the works. Contact us and we may be able to make special arrangements

Sales tax is charged for orders shipped to states or jurisdictions where required by law. Canadian orders include all applicable taxes and fees upfront.


No, our products are only available for personal use, not for resale. If you would like to sell NARLI™ products through your establishment please contact our team at